Tag Archives: sepaect

How will I use my new surface?

When asked, “how are you going to use it [the surface] with your students”, this is how I replied: “@blutz01 @Microsoft @MSTacademies @SEPAECT I teach an #MSApps class that will demo the @surface & now inc @msonenote #MSmix @windowsstore“. I feel like this will be a step in the right direction for me and has re-ignited me as a solid Microsoft user.

It all started when I went to a Microsoft Teaching Academy last week. My ISTE affiliate group, PAECT, informed me of the event. A colleague (and dubbed mentor) strongly suggested that this professional development day was important so I jumped at the opportunity.

In short, I networked, learned about some cool Microsoft technology and won a new Microsoft Surface Pro 3. My goal is to use this Surface with all students to enable them to learn all of the things I was exposed to during the Academy and more. I’ll start by introducing Microsoft OneNote and following with Mix. These steps will easily incorporate with my pre-planned MS Apps class. Additionally, I will work to get them registered Microsoft accounts so they may access the Windows Store because they need to know all of the cool things that Microsoft has to offer.

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