Another chapter 2024

In December 2023 I submitted my last assignment for the last class I need to attain certification as an educator in Maryland, U.S. Fifteen plus years and I am almost there. Only two small things, Praxis 5051 and Praxis 5623, stand between me and earning my certificate as an instructor in Technology Education, K-12. It feels like it took an eternity to get where I am and I do not take any of it for granted.

From my first job as a Physical Education and Health teacher back in January of 2005 to my current position as a Computer Science Instructor, it has been quite a journey. I wish that I did not have to take such a long road to get where I am. But in hindsight, I feel it was my destiny. Please continue this quick read as I recount the three most impactful lessons I have learned on my journey.

Life lessons through adversity, adaptability, and perseverance. That about sums it up so thanks for your time.

Adversity challenged me to struggle through my first degree, a BS in Management Information Systems. College is not easy and I commend any individual that successfully makes it through irrespective of how long it takes. Similar to any part of your life where you are growing and learning at a rapid pace, I had to do both despite my past trauma, my lack of resources, or anything this life threw at me.

Adaptability is not for the faint of heart. On this first day of 2024, I can proudly say that I am flexible and I have made it through the other side. As you travel through this life there are things that you will face and circumstances that will shape you. I pray that this shaping is more for the better than for the worse but that is open to interpretation.

Lastly, perseverance feels like the glue that binds together adversity and adaptability in my life; similar to the cheese that binds together the chopped steak and long roll of a proverbial local favorite Philly Cheesesteak. When it comes to the cheesesteak all three ingredients are necessary for it to be a true Philly Cheesesteak. If any one of these is missing it is something different. #Facts

Throughout my life, I have learned to persevere. From not securing an internship in college, to not having a mentor, and ultimately to not earning an instructional certification to teach. I have learned to see adversity as an opportunity for growth. Also, I learned to adapt to my surroundings and make the most out of what I had at the time. I adopted the philosophical implication that the glass is half full, and I have equipped my persona with the perseverance that it takes for me to obtain my sense of success.

Can I get an Amen?

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